On oft the missions of The Soul of India is to make Fair Trade a fancy label and reliable partner. Fair Trade is still seen as a small brand in a huge market. Most of the time only noble and good-hearted people will buy Fair Trade products – at least we cannot really say that it has reached the mainstream yet.
A recent study by the German Fair Trade organization Trans Fair stated that in the year 2012 Germans spend 533 million euros on Fair trade products. That was 33% more than before which is great!
This sounds like a promising number but if we take a closer look at the results of the study we can see that the most common products are bananas, coffee and flowers. Other popular products are chocolate and sweets. It is also great news that there will soon be more fair trade certified cosmetics and beauty products. The trend is definitely promising.
But what about clothing, home decor or other items?
Our hope is to get these kind of fair trade products out of small world shops and niche markets into the mainstream.
Wouldn´t it be great to get anything from your bedspread to your lampshade, from your t-shirt to your jeans in fair trade quality? Sweathshop-free, socially just and sustainable?
If we succeed to find trendy products, reach out to the big companies and inspire more customers to go for fair trade…then we can create a lasting impact and change the market permanently. One step at a time…